Institut für Atmosphären- und Umweltforschung


Borrmann, S., Kunkel, D., Weigel, R., Minikin, A., Deshler, T., Wilson, J. C., Curtius, J., Volk, C. M., Homan, C. D., Ulanovsky, A., Ravegnani, F., Viciani, S., Shur, G. N., Belyaev, G. V., Law, K. S., and Cairo, F.
Aerosols in the tropical and subtropical UT/LS: in-situ measurements of submicron particle abundance and volatility
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 5573-5592, doi:10.5194/acp-10-5573-2010, 2010.

Cairo, F., Pommereau, J. P., Law, K. S., Schlager, H., Garnier, A., Fierli, F., Ern, M., Streibel, M., Arabas, S., Borrmann, S., Berthelier, J. J., Blom, C., Christensen, T., D'Amato, F., Di Donfrancesco, G., Deshler, T., Diedhiou, A., Durry, G., Engelsen, O., Goutail, F., Harris, N. R. P., Kerstel, E. R. T., Khaykin, S., Konopka, P., Kylling, A., Larsen, N., Lebel, T., Liu, X., MacKenzie, A. R., Nielsen, J., Oulanowski, A., Parker, D. J., Pelon, J., Polcher, J., Pyle, J. A., Ravegnani, F., Rivière, E. D., Robinson, A. D., Röckmann, T., Schiller, C., Simões, F., Stefanutti, L., Stroh, F., Some, L., Siegmund, P., Sitnikov, N., Vernier, J. P., Volk, C. M., Voigt, C., von Hobe, M., Viciani, S., and Yushkov, V.
An introduction to the SCOUT-AMMA stratospheric aircraft, balloons and sondes campaign in West Africa, August 2006: rationale and roadmap
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 2237-2256, doi:10.5194/acp-10-2237-2010, 2010.

Dlugi, R., M. Berger, M. Zelger, A. Hofzumahaus, M. Siese, F. Holland, A. Wisthaler, W. Grabmer, A. Hansel, R. Koppmann, G. Kramm, M. Möllmann-Coers, A. Knaps
Turbulent Exchange and Segregation of HOx Radicals and Volatile Organic Compounds above a Deciduous Forest
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 6215-6235,, 2010.

Homan, C. D., Volk, C. M., Kuhn, A. C., Werner, A., Baehr, J., Viciani, S., Ulanovski, A., and Ravegnani, F.
Tracer measurements in the tropical tropopause layer during the AMMA/SCOUT-O3 aircraft campaign
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 3615-3627, doi:10.5194/acp-10-3615-2010, 2010.

Iannone, R., R. Koppmann, J. Rudolph
Stable carbon kinetic isotope effects for the production of methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone from the gas-phase reactions of isoprene with ozone and hydroxyl radicals
Atmospheric Environment, 44, 2010, 4135-4141, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.07.046, 2010.

Koppmann, R.
Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere
in: Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology, K. N. Timmis (ed.), pp. 270-277, DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-77587-4_18, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

Law, K. S. , F. Fierli, F. Cairo, H. Schlager, S. Borrmann, M. Streibel, E. Real, D. Kunkel, C. Schiller, F. Ravegnani, A. Ulanovsky, F. d’Amato, S. Viciani, and C. M. Volk
Air mass origins influencing TTL chemical composition over West Africa during 2006 summer monsoon
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 10753-10770,, 2010.

Lübken, F.-J., J. Austin, U. Langematz, and J. Oberheide
Introduction to special section on Climate and Weather of the Sun Earth System
J. Geophys. Res., 2009JD013784, 115, D00I19, doi:10.1029/2009JD013784, 2010.

Offermann, D., P. Hoffmann, P. Knieling, R. Koppmann, J. Oberheide, and W. Steinbrecht
Long-term Trends and Solar Cycle Variations of Mesospheric Temperature and Dynamics
J. Geophys. Res., 115, D18127, doi:10.1029/2009JD013363, 2010

Real, E., E. Orlandi, K. S. Law, F. Fierli, D. Josset, F. Cairo, H. Schlager, S. Borrmann, D. Kunkel, C. M. Volk, J. B. McQuaid, D. J. Stewart, J. Lee, A. Lewis, J. R. Hopkins, F. Ravegnani, A. Ulanovski, and C. Liousse
Cross-hemispheric transport of central African biomass burning pollutants: implications for downwind ozone production
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 3027–3046,, 2010.

Röckmann, T., S. Walter, B. Bohn, R. Wegener, H. Spahn, T. Brauers, R. Tillmann, E. Schlosser, R. Koppmann, and F. Rohrer
Isotope effect in the formation of H2 from H2CO studied at the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIR
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 5343-5357,, 2010.

Ungermann, J., Hoffmann, L., Preusse, P., Kaufmann, M., Riese, M.
Tomographic retrieval approach for mesoscale gravity wave observations by the PREMIER Infrared Limb-Sounder
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 3 (2010) 2, 339 - 354, doi:10.5194/amt-3-339-2010 , 2010.

Weigel, K., Riese, M., Hoffmann, L., Hoefer, S., Kalicinsky, C., Knieling, P., Olschewski, F., Preusse, P., Stroh, F., Spang, R., and Volk, C. M.
CRISTA-NF measurements during the AMMA-SCOUT-O3 aircraft campaign
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 3, 1437-1455,, 2010.

Werner, A., C. M. Volk, E. V. Ivanova, T. Wetter, C. Schiller, H. Schlager, and P. Konopka
Quantifying transport into the Arctic lowermost stratosphere
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 11623-11639,, 2010.

zuletzt bearbeitet am: 25.08.2023